Detail as per CBSE Forms
1. | Name of the School With Address | Sahibzada Jujhar Singh Public Sen. Sec. School Kot Dharmu (Sirsa Road, Mansa) |
(i) | sjspublicschool2008@gmail.com | |
(ii) | Ph.No. | +91 75270 07349 |
2. | Year of establishment of School | 2008 |
3. | Whether NOC from State /UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained? |
Yes |
(i) | NOC No. | 28907 |
(ii) | NOC Issuing Date | 31.03.2017 |
4. | Is the school is recognised ,if yes by Which Authority | Yes |
5. | Status of affiliation Permanent/Regular/Provisional | Permanent |
(i) | Affiliation No. | 1630726 |
(ii) | Affiliation with board since | CBSE, New Delhi |
(iii) | Extension of affiliation upto | 2030 |
6. | Name of Trust/Society/Company | SGPC, Sri Amritsar Sahib |
Registered under Section 25 of the Company Act,1956 Period upto which Registration of Trust /Society is valid |
Gurdwara Act 1925 | |
7. | List of members of School | Click Here |
Managing Committee with their Address /tenure and post help |
SGPC, Sri Amritsar Sahib | |
8. | Name of official address of the | Directorate of Education, SGPC, Bahadurgarh (Patiala) |
Manager/President/Chairman/ | Advocate Harjinder Singh Dhami | |
Correspondent/ | Ms. Satvinder Kaur | |
(i) | desgpc@gmail.com | |
(ii) | Ph.No. | 7527007300, 7527007400 |
(iii) | Fax.No. | |
9. | Area of school campus | |
(i) | In Acrec | 6 Acres |
(ii) | In sq. mtrs. | 24210 |
(iv) | Area of playground in sq.mtrs | 1296 |
10. | Detail of fee struture | Click Here |
(i) | L.K.G | ........../- |
(ii) | U.K.G | ........../- |
(iii) | I - V | ........../- |
(iv) | VI - VIII | ........../- |
(v) | IX - X | ........../- |
(vi) | XI to XII | ......../- |
11. | Transport facility | Yes |
12. | Library Facilities | All kind of books like-journel/magzines reference books are related to subject/Encyclopedia |
(i) | Size of the library in sq. feet | 120 Sq. mtr. / 1291 Sq. Feet |
(ii) | No. of Periodicals | 11 |
(iii) | No. of Dailies | 4 |
(iv) | No. Reference books class wise | 4314 |
(v) | No. of Magazine | 10 |
13. | Members of Sexual Harassment Commitee | Click Here |
14. | Academic session period | 1st April To 31st March |
15. | Vacation period | 1 June to 7th July |
16. | Addmission Period | Dec to May |
17. | TEACHING STAFF | Click Here |